For those who really know me, know that I'm a very sarcastic person. And if you're getting to know me through this blog, I'm sure you're beginning to come to that assumption yourself. But, I hope what you take from my posts are the perspectives of a realist and not a pessimist. I know there is a fine line between the two; but I never aim to discourage anyone or seem like I have a "whoa is me" attitude. I'd like to think, however, that I'm the spokesperson out there, that happens to say what everyone is thinking.
So, who'd you think of? Anyone come to mind? Let's try this... have YOU ever come off that way? I used to be jealous of those friends. Every time I read their Facebook status, I wished that was me. I was envious every time they called from their newest and greatest cell phone. -Those 10thG, size of a post-it note phones that could surf the web, send IMs and make up their bed when they got up in the morning (or whatever those things do now-a-days). Then I became a mom; and boy did my life change. Responsibilities, maturity, I can't even list everything I gained when I decided to start a family. What I did realize, though, is that my jealousy for the "perfect" life became a "realization" of my perfect life.
All that time I spent being jealous of what I didn't have and God was giving me what I really needed all along. I know my life is far from perfect! Lord knows this body of mine doesn't look like it did before 2 kids. I look in the mirror sometimes and wonder how in the world "that" got "there." And if you were to stop by my house tonight I can almost guarantee you I'm not cleaning it before you arrive. -But having a clean house. -Having a great figure. -Having the newest and greatest technology. Those aren't things on my checklist anymore. They are added bonuses. Now that I've had my life and goals put into perspective, I'm no longer jealous of that friend. Instead, I respond with, "You think YOUR life is great? Well, my son just wrote with crayons allll over the wall and Halle just spit up all over my new dress! Be jealous of THAT!"
COME ON!! What'd you think I'd say? "Now that I have kids, my life is perfect with daisies growing in a cow pasture?" NO.. of course not!! But that's OK. For once in my life, it's OK. And getting over the assumption that life should be perfect, has been a wonderful revelation.
Love your blog!! I am so glad to know that I am not the only one that might not have a clean house if someone just drops by. As much as I try to clean and keep stuff picked up, having a toddler and a 3 year old coming behind you and messing everything up is inevitable lol. Our preacher stopped by last Saturday morning to talk to us about what happened and I definitely didn't have my house clean. I was trying to get everyone ready to go to a family reunion. I was a little embarrassed but what can you do?? My aunt came by the other day too and of course my house was a mess. No one EVER comes by when my house is actually clean. Your blog is very inspiring!!